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over 3 years ago, South Conway County School District
On Friday, August 6, 2021, Judge Tim Fox issued a temporary injunction on Act 1002. Act 1002 of 2021 states a state agency or entity, a political subdivision of the state, or a state or local official shall not mandate an individual in this state to use a face mask, face shield, or other face covering. With the injunction on Act 1002, schools can require students and staff to wear face coverings during times of extraordinary circumstances, such as a declared public emergency by the governor of the state. The state of Arkansas is under a declared public health emergency by Governor Hutchinson due to the rise of COVID-19 cases in the state. Face coverings will be required indoors and on busses by all students and staff members when physical distancing of 6ft cannot be achieved. The SCCSD will utilize the data located at, to determine when the SCCSD will be able to allow face coverings to be optional. When the COVID infection rates average 0-9 new known infections for two weeks, the District may recommend face coverings to become optional.
over 3 years ago, South Conway County School District
Getting ready for a social distanced kick-off for the 2021-2022 school year tomorrow with the best educators in the world. #devildogexcellence #overachiever
over 3 years ago, Shawn Halbrook
A brief one page informational graphic of the SCCSD’a Continuity of Services Plan in English and Spanish.
over 3 years ago, Shawn Halbrook
Spanish version
info graphic
Community Vaccination Clinic August 12th at 4:30 p.m. at Devil Dog Stadium In Spanish.
over 3 years ago, Shawn Halbrook
Spanish vaccine clinic
over 3 years ago, South Conway County School District
tax exempt
Community Vaccination Clinic
over 3 years ago, South Conway County School District
Community Vaccination Clinic
ATTENTION MHS CLASS OF 2021 - PLEASE CHECK YOUR SCHOOL EMAIL - Notifications have been sent about the Lottery Scholarship - If you have been offered this scholarship and do not accept it by JULY 1 - You will lose this scholarship with a value of $14,000. There are SEVERAL of you that have not accepted this scholarship - Please check your school email ASAP!!!!
over 3 years ago, South Conway County Schools
Interested in MHS tennis?
over 3 years ago, South Conway County Schools
AAA MANDATORY DEAD PERIOD STARTS SUNDAY June 27th and will go thru July 11th. All athletic facilities will be closed! Enjoy your time off Devil Dogs! #TheOneDevilDog
over 3 years ago, South Conway County Schools
The South Conway County School District would like to announce its participation in the Seamless Summer Feeding Program, beginning June 7, 2021, and going through July 29, 2021.Breakfast will be served Monday through Thursday 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM. Lunch will be served 11:00 am – 12:00 pm There is no charge for any child in the community 18 years and under, or over 18 with a disability. The meals will be Picked Up at the High School.
over 3 years ago, South Conway County Schools