September 30, 2021
Lunch: BBQ Pulled Pork and Baked Beans
Option 2: Yogurt Boat
Option 3: Salad
Breakfast Tomorrow: Smoothie
--Yearbooks are now on sale! Order online or in Ms. Rose’s room.
--Picture retake day is Wednesday, November 3rd.
--Spirit Week : the theme for tomorrow is Spirit Day. Each grade’s assigned color is:
Seniors- Maroon
Juniors- Gray
Sophomores- White
Freshman- Black
-- Students and Staff: The Lady Devil Dog Basketball Team is selling Chick-fil-A sandwich meals for $8 that will be delivered during lunch on Friday October 8th. Orders can be made by filling out a form that was sent to everyone's inbox.
--In lieu of homecoming, there will be NO 9th Grade Quiz Bowl practice tomorrow after school.
--Homecoming shirts will be here after lunch. We will make an announcement when they are ready for pick up.
--Practice for the Homecoming Court will be after school today in the Arena. This practice is for the ladies of the court and the senior football players.
--The Volleyball Team will be dismissed at 2:20 today.
--The 9th Grade Football Team will be dismissed after 8th period today.