November 12, 2021

 Lunch:   Cheese Pizza and Tossed Salad

        Option 2: Yogurt Boat

         Option 3:  Salad

Breakfast Monday: French Toast Sticks

--Remember the Tuna Drive and give back to the community and bring tuna cans to 3rd period. You have until Nov. 18. 

--Enter the Literary Christmas Ornament contest in the library! Create a Christmas ornament based on a book you like. Pick up your entry form in the library or print it from our social media pages. Entries due by 8 am Nov. 29. Winners will be announced December 6th.

--Anyone that wants to join Football must see Coach McNabb before Christmas.

--Boys Soccer tryouts will be Monday and Tuesday, November 15th and 16th, after school at the football field.

--The Yearbook is starting up a fundraiser.  Would you like to see your teacher get a pie in the face?  The Yearbook staff are set up in both the Cafeteria and Ms. Rose’s room to take donations for the teacher of your choosing.

--Beta Club members will be selling Camo Devil Dog t-shirts for $15 in the cafeteria during both lunches all this week.

--Beta members that are planning on going to State Convention need to pick up a registration form in the library ASAP.

--There will be a Voter Registration table for ALL SENIORS in the cafeteria today during both lunches.

--All bus riders will report to the assigned classrooms and wait until your bus number is called before leaving the building.  Only Bus #’s 35, 62, and 73 will report immediately to the bus line.

--Students:  Please complete the survey you were emailed by the end of the day!

--There will be a table set up in the cafeteria on Monday with all the items in our lost and found.  Please check the table because all items that are left will be donated to the Care Center.

--Art Club will meet Thursday, November 18th in Mrs. Warrick’s room from 3:30 to 4:10.